What We need to Know as a leader

Warning! This will be a little lengthy, but very valuable. This can apply to anyone in a leadership position....
If I want growth in my Business,I will have to grow myself.
   Ask 100 people, how many books they have read on their own since leaving school, (college or high school)? I bet only a handfull would say they have read more than one or two books....
   Ask how many listen to audio lessons, cds, dvds, and voluntarily attend conferences & seminars to grow personally, there would be even less.
 The happiest people I know, are growing everyday.
Lets look at the 8 principles, to develop into a person dedicated to personal growth.

1. Choose a Life of Growth
    Think in terms of improvement. 
     General George Patton, told his troops, I don't want to get any messages saying we are holding our position. We are advancing constantly! Patton's motto was, Always take the Offensive. Never dig in. The only way to improve the quality of your life is to improve yourself. If you want to grow your organization, you must grow as  a leader.

2. Start Growing Today
    Many people have "someday sickness" Some could improve their "right now" but instead say "One of these days" I'm going to do that. 
    "One of these days" means "None of these days!"
    Don't be afraid to start right where you are. Everyone who got where he/she is, started where he/she was.
     A few things you  should know....
Growth is not automatic!
    Just because a person grows older doesn't always mean, he grows up. 
    The road to the next level is uphill, and it takes effort to keep growing.
Growth today will provide a better tomorrow!
   What you do today, will determine what happens tomorrow. Growth today is an investment for tomorrow.
Growth is your Responsibility!
    When you were born, it was your parents responsibility for your growth & education, & development.  As an adult it is your responsibility entirely!

3. Focus on Self-Development, Not self- fulfillment!
   It's not about "finding yourself" It's about "improving yourself", Rabbi Samuel M. Silver taught that, the greatest of all miracles is that we need not be tomorrow, what we are today, but we can improve if we make use of the potential implanted in us by God.

4. Never Stay Satisfied with Current Accomplishments 
    When you think you have "arrived" after a success, you loose your desire to learn.
    Wins are like losses, they are temporary, you must keep growing to continue success.
     Don't settle into a comfort zone, & don't let success go to your head. Enjoy your success briefly, & then move on to greater growth.

5. Be a Continual Leader
    Learn something everyday

6. Develop a Plan for Growth
    You must plan time for growth.
    You must  make growth a daily practice. Identify the 3 to 5 areas in which you desire to grow. 
     Then look for useful materials, books, magazines, videos, social media, & incorporate them into your plan.

7. Pay the Price
    It cost time & money to grow. On some level. It takes sacrifice. Sometimes it's painful to realize. 

8. Find a Way to Apply what you Learn.
    Don't let your learning lead to knowledge, let your learning lead to action.
    Reading & listening are great as long as you are willing to apply it.
Ask yourself....
Where can I use it?
When can I use it?
Who else needs to know it?
Knowledge, truly is power....


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